Skyward Information
Skyward can be used to access your child's grades, report cards, attendance, discipline, etc. Emails may also be sent from Mrs. O'Driscoll or your child's teacher with important reminders. If anyone needs Skyward access, please email Mr. K. Messing at and request a username and password.
Visitor/Volunteer Screening Form (in PDF)
It is part of the Safe Schools Legislation and it helps keep our students safe. EACH YEAR one form needs to be completed for EVERY classroom visitor/volunteer/field trip chaperone.
Interested in getting more involved at RES???
Join REFA (Reese Elementary Family Association)! REFA meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm in the Elementary library. You can also check them out on Facebook or send an email for more information --- Thank you REFA for all you do for our students!
There is a scheduled day off for Reese Public Schools on Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
There is a scheduled half day on Wednesday Feb 5th. Students will be dismissed at 11:35.
School Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is free to all students this year and is served in the classroom each morning. Lunch is also free to each student this year; milk for students with cold lunch will cost $0.55. An Education Benefit form that outlines our free and reduced lunch application will be sent home at Open House/Blast-Off event. Please return this form as soon as possible. (One form per family unit) You may also access this at the Food Service Link on the main webpage.
For questions or concerns call Robin Geesey (989)868-4561 ext. 2225 or email
Attendance is recorded daily. Call 989-868-4561 to report your child's absence before 9:00 A.M. (voicemail is available).
Email notification is also welcome!
(Click on email button above)
Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is the leading early literacy curriculum grounded in the Science of Reading. By combining knowledge-building and research-based foundational skills, our instruction guides educators in developing strong readers, writers, and thinkers.
Thoughtfully constructed and designed like a story, Eureka Math is meticulously coherent, with an intense focus on key concepts that layer over time, creating enduring knowledge. Students gain a complete body of math knowledge, not just a discrete set of skills. They use the same models and problem-solving methods from grade to grade, so math concepts stay with them, year after year.
Acadience Reading and Math Benchmark Assessments are used three times during each school year in grades kindergarten through fifth with all students.
Contact Information
Main Office
Fax Number
Mrs. Michelle Clauss
989.868.4561 Ext. 2102
Mrs. Elicia Hill
989.868.4561 Ext. 2101
Mrs. Jenna O'Driscoll
989.868.4561 Ext. 2104
Family Information
2024-2025 RES Recommended Supply List (in PDF)
Annual Education Report (AER) Reese Elementary Combined Report
Reese Public Schools Student Handbook
Compact for Education 2024-2025 (in PDF)
The Parent Institute Newsletter
Reese Elementary Fun!
Mission Statements
The Reese Public Schools system is committed to providing a quality curriculum in a safe educational environment where the students, parents, educational staff and community unite to assist students in developing academic skills, employability skills and career awareness.
The mission of the Reese Elementary School family is to provide a positive educational experience for all children. Working as a team, we achieve the greatest outcome by allowing for individual differences, building on strengths, developing self expression. This fosters independent learners and creative thinkers in a safe, caring, and progressive environment in which all children can learn.